Prospects 2019

North America

Migrants, part of a caravan travelling from Central America en route to the United States walk by the road that links Ciudad Hidalgo with Tapachula, Mexico, November 2 (Reuters/Carlos Garcia Rawlins)
  • Nov 5, 2018
  • 8 min read

Central America

Central America will see substantial change in 2019, with corruption and migration likely to be defining issues

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi makes remarks a day after the Midterm Elections on Capitol Hill, November 7 (Reuters/Mike Theiler)
  • Nov 13, 2018
  • 7 min read

US politics

The midterm elections are ending, the Democrats are on the offensive and the 2020 elections have begun

  • Nov 19, 2018
  • 7 min read

US economy

The US economy is likely to slow steadily in 2019 in the face of global economic headwinds

  • Nov 22, 2018
  • 7 min read

US foreign policy

Trump will have two foreign policy priorities in 2019: making deals and winning voters for 2020